Ryan Gutenkunst Joins ABS-PSM Program as a Director of Graduate Studies!
Ryan Gutenkunst is an Associate Professor at the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology. Recently, he was appointed Director of Graduate Studies for the MCB track of the Applied Biosciences program.
His research interests include:
Systems and Computational Biology
Cell Signaling, Trafficking, and Polarity
Differentiation, Development, and Evolution
Dr. Gutenkunst obtained his doctorate degree in Physics from the Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. and his bachelors’ degree also in Physics from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.
Prior to working at the University of Arizona, he held Post-doctoral positions at:
- Los Alamos National Laboratory under the Dr. Byron Goldstein
- Cornell University under Professors: Scott H. Williamson and Carlos D. Bustamante
He joined the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of Arizona, in 2010, with affiliations in:
- Departments of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Epidemiology & Biostatistics
- Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDPs) in
- Applied Biosciences
- Applied Mathematics
- Genetics
- Statistics
- Bio-5 Institute
His laboratory- “The Gutenkunst Group” focuses on Population Genomics and Evolutionary Systems Biology, read more at: http://gutengroup.mcb.arizona.edu
For more information on Dr. Gutenkunst and his accomplishments please click here for his CV.